So its important to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration as it can slow the surges and ultimately can lead to the IV drip (to increase fluids).
Drink water during the early stages and later on when you are more ‘in the zone,‘ have your birth partner hand you the bottle to swig!
Coconut water is also super hydrating and contains electrolytes like potasssium, which help contractions. Swap between water and coconut water, depending on how you feel. Its perfectly isotonically balanced, so it will be absorbed quickly. Like a sports drink - but natural!
Don’t eat heavy foods that are hard to digest. You may see them appear again! Avoid protein and nuts - opt for simple, natural sugars. The body is prioritising muscular movement during labour, the blood is flooding the uterus, not the stomach. Those muscles dilating the cervix need fuel! Digestion is the last thing the body is prioritising right now. Quick, easy energy is best.
Honey - Try dipping fruit, into honey to top up energy levels - especially in the later stages when all you might manage is a mouthful.
Banana - Have a bite of a banana between surges as the natural sugars are easily absorbed and its high in potassium. Its the choice of tennis pros needing an energy fix playing Wimbledon!
Dilute juices to make them more absorbable and isotonically balanced and add some honey for that extra boost.
Stock up on your favourite yummy foods and drinks a few weeks before your due date. Have them to hand so you don’t get caught out or have to send your birth partner on an expedition at midnight, when you’d rather they be at your side!